In celebration of students in the Diversity Program Consortium (DPC), the CEC is hosting a virtual research symposium for BUILD trainees from the 10 BUILD sites across the country. This event presents BUILD trainees with an opportunity to share the research they have done this year, and were planning to present at the conferences usually held in the spring. The symposium will feature static research poster presentations and virtual live oral presentations from April 27 to May 1, 2020.

Live Sessions take place on Monday, April 27, Thursday, April 30, and Friday, May 1. The Virtual Poster Hall will officially open on Tuesday, April 28.


Event Schedule

 Opening Session A - Monday, April 27 at 2pm PT/ 5pm ET
 Welcoming remarks and moderated by Dr. Alison Gammie, Director of the Division of Training, Workforce Development and Diversity at NIGMS, NIH, and DPC Program Lead

 Tuesday, April 28 - Interactive Virtual Poster Hall opens
 Remains open through Friday, May 1.

Live Session B - Thursday, April 30 at 11am PT/ 2pm ET 
Moderated by Dr. Anissa Brown (NIGMS/NIH) and Dr. Carrie Cameron (MD Anderson Cancer Center & NRMN)

 Live Session C - Friday, May 1 at 11am PT/ 2pm ET
 Moderated by Dr. Robert Rivers (NIDDK/NIH)

 Live Session D - Friday, May 1 at 2pm PT/ 5pm ET
 Moderated by Dr. Keith Norris (CEC at UCLA)

The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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