Filtered by date 2022-12-20, 1 of 1 Postings (all, summary)

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Created by Gene Lacson, last modified by Hansook Oh 19 Dec 2022, at 12:00 AM


Featured News

Celebrating Enhance Science

A Fresh New Look for the DPC

The Diversity Program Consortium is updating its current website to better serve the community by increasing its dissemination reach and making it more functional.

The new site includes the story of the DPC, its members and how the consortium has been working to enhance diversity.

In the coming months, additional features to provide access to publications and tools, media resources and press kits, and student features will be added.

View our latest newsletter on the new website.


For Events & Opportunities



We the DPC

The Diversity Program Consortium (DPC) started with evidence about NIH funding patterns that sparked an idea. A group of seven researchers wanted to know more about who applied for and received funding from the NIH (Ginther et al., 2011) [link listed below, too]. The researchers found that many Black/African American scientists were applying for NIH funding, but their applications were 10% less likely to be funded than applications from other groups. This wake-up call spurred the NIH to action.

Read Our Story to learn more.


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DPC News


The DPC Newsletter has a new home!

Visit the new DPC Website to read the Volume 8, Issue 1 — "Celebrating Mentoring in the DPC".
Full story...

The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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