Filtered by date 2020-01-20, 1 of 1 Postings (all, summary)

Communication and Dissemination Core

Created by Hansook Oh, last modified by Jonathan Mendez 21 Jan 2020, at 12:00 AM

Communication and Dissemination Core



The overall purpose of the CEC’s Communication and Dissemination Core (CDC) is to create an infrastructure to develop and refine communication processes and products.  The CDC will lead dissemination efforts for CEC-based evaluation products, best practices supports and key processes in evaluation, measurement, and outcomes from the DPC.

The audience drives the communication, so within the DPC, the focus is on enhancing internal communication processes to assure the optimal functioning of the DPC community and direct access to best practices from consortium-wide partners.  For external communities, such as broader educational institutions, diversity researchers, and policymakers, the CDC shares information to increase knowledge and impact change.  Our products include the Hallmarks of Success and DPC evaluation outcomes, and lessons learned, best practices, and processes from across the consortium.

The Specific Aims of the CDC are to:

  1. Within the DPC community, refine DPC communication processes and support consortium-wide efficiencies.
  2. Share CEC best practices, research outcomes, systems and tools across the DPC community and target key external audiences to amplify knowledge gained and potential implementation of effective outcomes.
  3. Support and amplify BUILD site-level plans for outcomes, products and process dissemination to impact external audiences.


Our Team



Cynthia Joseph

Cynthia Joseph, Ed.D

Hansook Oh

Hansook Oh, MA

Jonathan Mendez

Jonathan Mendez


The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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