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The DPC hosted "Reframing Networking," a kick off event for current and former BUILD students. The goal is to increase students’ confidence and enthusiasm for networking.

The event began with a short clip from Dr. Farah Alibay, Systems Engineer at NASA JPL discussing her experiences building a network of colleagues and strategies for career advancement.

Students heard from BUILD Alumni Steven Lomeli Gonzalez, SF BUILD, Cecilia Hinojosa, UTEP BUILDing SCHOLARS, and Chelsea Kelland, XULA Project Pathways. Arjun Viray, PSU BUILD EXITO, moderated the panel discussed their experiences in networking, dealing with rejection, and the impacts of the pandemic on their networking strategies. Prior to the panel, 16 facilitators from 8 BUILD sites, NRMN, CEC and NIH lead small group student discussions on identifying strengths and practical steps for approaching networking.

For recordings and resources from the event, please log into the DPC intranet or email cdcore.cec@gmail.com.

Past Features

Remembering Dr. Steven P. Wallace in Honor of a Life Well Lived
2021 DPC Annual Grantees Conference website
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UTEP BUILDing SCHOLARS Alumna Earns Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Tufts University



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What: The Diversity Program Consortium (DPC) is a network of institutions, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to improve training and mentoring and to enhance individuals' success in biomedical research careers. This initiative aims to transform institutional culture and biomedical training and mentoring nationwide.

Who: Students, faculty, staff and leaders from many disciplines and institutions are part of a movement to enhance diversity in the biomedical workforce. Ultimately, these efforts will help to engage a more diverse field of individuals in biomedical research careers.

How: DPC partners are developing, implementing, assessing and disseminating innovative and effective approaches to training and mentoring individuals, from undergraduate programs through post-doctoral training, to foster successful research careers.

Why: People from different backgrounds bring unique ideas, perspectives and direction to scientific research, medical practice, and social understanding. The DPC is one of many NIH-funded efforts working to promote inclusiveness and equity throughout the biomedical research enterprise. Along with staff from across the NIH, Dr. Hannah Valantine, the NIH Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity, plays a leadership role in the DPC.

When & Where: The funding for this project began in 2014 as a product of a working group charged by the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director to make recommendations to enhance diversity in the biomedical research workforce.  

Learn More: For emerging evidence and practical ways to diversify the biomedical workforce, visit the NIH Scientific Workforce Diversity site. To read more about the many ways that NIH is supporting cutting edge research, visit the NIH Common Fund.


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The DPC Newsletter has a new home!

Visit the new DPC Website to read the Volume 8, Issue 1 — "Celebrating Mentoring in the DPC".
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The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
Need Assistance? Please contact our support team: info@diversityprogramconsortium.org .